High Quality 2D crystals
HQ Graphene is a manufacturer of high quality 2D single crystals, selling directly to over 190 universities,
research institutes and companies worldwide. Our customers are scientists demanding high purity and
high quality crystals for scientific research. A list of peer reviewed publications using our crystals can be
found on our website We ship directly to our clients worldwide using FedEx (fast delivery forwarder). Additionally we have
a large number of representatives (in China, Japan, Korea, USA, ...)
Typical dimensions for the synthetic crystals presented at the list below are 6 to 10 mm lateral and <0.1mm
to 0.4mm thickness. For specific information regarding the crystal properties (e.g. crystal size) please see
our website or Contact us.
List of all available 2D crystals
Crystal | Properties | |
Custom made crystal | High purity and quality crystal | |
As2Te3 (alpha phase) | Semiconductor, Thermoelectric | |
h-Boron nitride | Insulator | |
Bi2S3 | Semiconductor | |
(BixSb1-x)2(SeyTe1-y)3 | Topological insulator | |
(BixSn1-x)2(SeyTe1-y)3 | Contact us for more information. | |
Bi2Se3 | Topological insulator | |
Bi2(SexTe1-x)3 | Topological insulator | |
BiTeI | Semiconductor | |
Bi2Te3 | Topological insulator, Thermoelectric | |
BSCCO | Superconductor | |
Phosphorus-As alloy | Semiconductor | |
CoPS3 | Anftiferromagnetic insulator | |
Co1/3TaS2 | Anftiferromagnetic semimetal | |
Cr0.15(Bi0.1Sb0.9)1.85Te3 | Ferromagnetic topological insulator | |
CrBr3 | Ferromagnetic semiconductor | |
CrCl3 | Antiferromagnetic insulator | |
Cr2Ge2Te6 (CrGeTe3) | Ferromagnetic insulator, semiconductor | |
Crl3 | Ferromagnetic insulator | |
CrPS4 | Antiferromagnetic semiconductor | |
CrSBr | Antiferromagnetic semiconductor | |
Cr2Si2Te6 (CrSiTe3) | Ferromagnetic Semiconductor | |
CrTe2 (1T phase) | Ferromagnetic metal | |
CuCrP2S6 | Ferroelectric, antiferromagnetic semiconductor | |
CulnP2S6 | Ferroelectric semiconductor | |
CuInP2Se6 | Ferroelectric semiconductor | |
FeCl2 | Ferromagnetic insulator | |
Fe3GeTe2 | Ferromagnetic metal | |
Fe4GeTe2 | Ferromagnetic metal | |
Fe5GeTe2 | Ferromagnetic metal. Contact us for possibilities of Fe substitution with other metals. | |
Fe5GeTe2 (Ni substituted) | Ferromagnetic metal | |
Fe5GeTe2 (Co substituted) | Ferromagnetic metal | |
FePS3 | Antiferromagnetic insulator | |
FePSe3 | Antiferromagnetic insulator | |
FeSeTe | Superconductor | |
FeTe | Semimetal | |
GaS | Semiconductor | |
GaSe | Semiconductor | |
GaTe | Semiconductor | |
GdTe3 | Antiferromagnetic, metal, CDW | |
GeP | Semiconductor | |
GeS | Semiconductor | |
GeSe | Semiconductor | |
Graphite HOPG | Metal | |
Graphite Natural | Metal | |
HfS2 | Semiconductor | |
HfSe2 | Semiconductor | |
HfTe2 | Semimetal | |
InSe | Semiconductor | |
In2Se3 (2H alpha phase) | Semiconductor | |
In2Se3 (beta phase) | Semiconductor | |
In2Se3 (3R alpha phase) | Semiconductor | |
LaTe3 | Metal, CDW | |
MICA muscovite V1 | Insulator | |
MICA phlogopite | Insulator | |
MnPS3 | Antiferromagnetic Insulator | |
MnPSe3 | Antiferromagnetic semiconductor | |
MoO3 | Semiconductor | |
MoOCl2 | Metal | |
MoS2 (synthetic) | Semiconductor | |
MoS2 (3R phase) | Semiconductor | |
MoS2~1 cm or ~1.5cm | Semiconductor | |
MoS2~0.5-0.7cm | Semiconductor | |
Mo(SxSe1-x)2 | Semiconductor | |
MoSe2 | Semiconductor | |
MoTe2 (1T phase) | Semimetal, Weyl Semimetal | |
MoTe2 (2H phase) | Semiconductor | |
MoxW1-xS2 | Semiconductor | |
MoxW1-xSe2 | Semiconductor | |
MoxW1-xTe2 | Semiconductor | |
Nb3Cl8 | Semiconductor | |
NbOCl2 | Semiconductor | |
NbOI2 | Semiconductor | |
NbS2 (2H phase) | Superconductor, CDW | |
NbS2 (3R phase) | Metal | |
NbS3 | Semiconductor | |
Nb(SxSe1-x)2 | Superconductor | |
NbSe2 (2H phase) | Superconductor, CDW | |
NbSe3 | Superconductor | |
NbTe2 | Metal, Superconductor | |
NiI2 | Antiferromagnetic insulator | |
NiPS3 | Antiferromagnetic insulator | |
NiP(SxSe1-x)3 | Substitution up to 50% Se, contact us for more information. | |
NiTe2 | Semimetal | |
Phosphorus (Black) | Semiconductor | |
Phosporus (Violet) | Semiconductor | |
PbI2 | Semiconductor | |
Pb3Sn4FeSb2S14 | Ferromagnetic insulator | |
Pb5Sn3Sb2S14 | Semiconductor | |
PbSnS2 | Semiconductor | |
PdSe2 | Semiconductor | |
PdTe2 | Metal, Superconductor | |
PtS2 | Semiconductor | |
PtSe2 | Semimetal | |
PtTe2 | Metal | |
ReS2 | Semiconductor | |
Re(SxSe1-x)2 | Semiconductor | |
ReSe2 | Semiconductor | |
RuCl3 | Antiferromagnetic insulator | |
Sb2Se3 | Topological insulator, semiconductor | |
Sb2Te3 | Topological insulator, semiconductor | |
SnS | Semiconductor | |
SnS2 | Semiconductor | |
SnSe | Semiconductor | |
SnSe2 | Semiconductor | |
SnP2S6 | Semiconductor | |
TaS2 (1T phase) | Semiconductor, CDW | |
TaS2 (2H phase) | Metal, Superconductor, CDW | |
Ta3FeS6 | Ferromagnet | |
TaIrTe4 | Weyl semimetal | |
TaSe2 (2H phase) | Metal, Superconductor, CDW | |
TaSe3 | Superconductor | |
TaTe2 | Metal, CDW | |
Ta2NiS5 | Semiconductor, Insulator | |
Ta2Ni(Se1−xSx)5 | Semiconductor, Insulator | |
Ta2NiSe5 | Semiconductor, Insulator | |
Ta2NiSe7 | Metal, CDW | |
TiS2 (1T phase) | Semimetal | |
TiS3 | Semiconductor | |
TiSe2 | Semimetal, CDW | |
TiTe2 | Semimetal | |
VBr3 | Ferromagnetic semiconductor | |
VI3 | Ferromagnetic semiconductor | |
VSe2 | Metal, CDW | |
VTe2 | Metal, CDW | |
WS2 (2H phase) | Semiconductor | |
WSxSe1-x | Semiconductor | |
WSe2 | Semiconductor | |
WSe2 with Re doping | Semiconductor | |
WSe2 with Nb doping | Semiconductor | |
WTe2 | Semimetal, Weyl Semimetal | |
ZnPS3 | Insulator | |
ZrS3 | Semiconductor | |
ZrSe2 | Semiconductor | |
ZrSe3 | Semiconductor | |
ZrTe3 | Semimetal, Superconductor, CDW | |
Zr(SexTe1-x)3 | Semimetal, contact us for more information. | |
ZrTe5 | Semimetal | |
2D_CL_PC | Polymer for hetrostructure fabrication |