Natural graphite
Natural graphite is a metal. The layers are stacked together via van der Waals interactions and can be exfoliated into thin 2D layers.
To buy Natural graphite crystals please click here.
The natural crystals have a typical shape of ~0.1 cm, and have a metallic appearance.
A selection of peer review publications on the natural graphite can be found below.
Crystal size | ~1 mm |
Electrical properties | Metal |
Crystal structure | Hexagonal |
Unit cell parameters | a = b =0.246, c = 0.667 nm, α = β = 90°, γ =120° |
Type | Natural crystal |
Purity | >99.98 % |
Characterized by | XRD, Raman, EDX |
More information? | Please contact us by email or phone |
The single crystal Natural graphite is characterized using:
XRD: single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction (D8 Venture Bruker and D8 Advance Bruker)EDX: Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy for stoichiometric analysis
Raman: 785 nm Raman system
Raman, XRD and EDX on natural graphite:
Click on an image to zoom

HQ Graphene Wiki on:
Natural graphite
1. Zhang, R., et al. "Realization of a non-markov chain in a single 2D mineral RRAM." Science Bulletin 66.16 (2021): 1634-1640.
2. Kang, S., et al. "Pulsed laser ablation based synthetic route for nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots using graphite flakes." Applied Surface Science 506 (2020): 144998.
3. Zhang, Y., et al. "MnPS 3 spin-flop transition-induced anomalous Hall effect in graphite flake via van der Waals proximity coupling." Nanoscale 12.45 (2020): 23266-23273.
4. Bohm, S., et al. "Graphene production by cracking." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 379.2203 (2021): 20200293.