TiSe2 (1T phase Titanium Diselenide)

TiSe2 Titanium Diselenide TiSe2 (1T phase) is a semimetal. The 1T phase is a Charge density waves (CDW) system below ~200K. The layers are stacked together via van der Waals interactions and can be exfoliated into thin 2D layers. Titanium Diselenide belongs to the group-IV transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC). To buy TiSe2 crystals please click here.

The TiSe2 crystals produced at HQ Graphene have a typical lateral size of ~0.8 cm, hexagonal shaped and have a metallic appearance. More information about the TiSe2 crystals we sell can be found below.

TiSe2 crystal properties
Crystal size ~8 mm
Electrical properties Semimetal. Charge density waves (CDW) below ~200K)
Crystal structure Hexagonal
Unit cell parameters a = b = 0.354 nm, c = 0.601 nm, α = β = 90°, γ = 120°
Monolayer properties Link to C2DB containing calculated properties
Type Synthetic
Purity >99.995 %
Characterized by XRD, Raman, EDX
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The single crystal TiSe2 is characterized using:

XRD: single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction (D8 Venture Bruker and D8 Advance Bruker)
EDX: Stoichiometric analysis
Raman: 785nm Raman system

Raman, XRD and EDX on TiSe2:

Click on an image to zoom

X-ray diffraction on a TiSe2 single crystal aligned along the (001) plane. XRD was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker. The 4 XRD peaks correspond, from left to right, to (00l) with l = 1, 2, 3, 4

Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) of a single crystal TiSe2. X-ray diffraction was performed at room temperature using a D8 Venture Bruker.

Stoichiometric analysis of a single crystal TiSe2 by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).

Raman spectrum of a single crystal TiSe2. Measurement was performed with a 785 nm Raman system at room temperature.

HQ Graphene Wiki on:

TiSe2 (Titanium Diselenide)

1. Saqib, H., et al. "Evolution of structural and electronic properties of TiSe2 under high pressure." The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12.40 (2021): 9859-9867.

2. Otto, M.R., et al. "Mechanisms of electron-phonon coupling unraveled in momentum and time: The case of soft phonons in TiSe2." Science Advances 7.20 (2021): eabf2810.

3. Prando, G., Piatti, E., Daghero, D., Gonnelli, R. S., & Carretta, P. (2023). Cluster charge-density-wave glass in hydrogen-intercalated TiSe 2. Physical Review Materials, 7(9), 094002.

4. Cha, S., et al. "Order-disorder phase transition driven by interlayer sliding in lead iodides." Nature communications 14.1 (2023): 1981.


HQ Graphene is a company registered in The Netherlands, Europe under the number KVK 84852437.


All pictures of crystals on this website are copyright protected by HQgraphene

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